© 2024 — Keith Oliver
Home Slide

A collection of thoughts, interests, projects and other random things.

Remember to remember

I have a horrible memory. I don’t know how one would objectively measure or quantify that to prove it to be true. Whenever I encounter those card games where you have to flip a card and then flip another and if you find it’s a match you can remove the pair I generally just flip […]

Patience and Affirmation

When I lose my patience, I send Ethan to his room. For him, it allows him to calm down. For me, it lets me reset as opposed to raising my voice.

Franchise Mode: A True Short Story

I was speechless. All I could manage was a “What?”

The Challenge is You

“A man got to have a code.” – Omar Little, The Wire

How to Be

Be selfish, choose peace.

The Why

A collection of thoughts, interests, and things a dad wants his sons to know.

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